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NOTICE: The safety of our clients and staff remains paramount to the San Mateo County Department of Housing. To minimize the risk of exposure to COVID-19, Department of Housing/Housing Authority Belmont office and property management offices will be closed to the public until further notice. All non-urgent, non-emergency work orders and annual/biennial housing quality standards inspections will be suspended.
• Recertification, interim changes, and self-sufficiency progress appointments will be conducted by mail or email only; any necessary follow up will be done with a phone interview. Please ensure we have your current contact information.
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• To accommodate program participants moving into a new unit, move-in inspections will be conducted via owners’ self-certification. Owners will be asked to self-certify that their units meet Housing Quality Standards, using the Housing Authority Form, http://brw535.wcbzw.com/document/hqs-inspection. A follow up inspection may be conducted at a later date.
• Reinspection appointments will be canceled. To document correction of a deficiency, landlords will be asked to complete the HACSM self-certification form (see above link) and email the completed form with a photo of the repaired item(s).
To ensure we can promptly respond to your need, please use the following email addresses to submit your inquiry or request. Due to high-volume of inquiries we are receiving, please expect up to 72 hours for a reply.
Inspection, Request for Tenancy Approval, contract rent related: leasingteam@smchousing.org
Eligibility, income and family composition change requests: interims@smchousing.org
Family self-sufficiency related: vgvelgado@smchousing.org
Notice to vacate, voucher issuance briefings: csteam@smchousing.org
Landlords under existing HAP contract with payment questions: jfortier@smchousing.org or sgoebel@smchousing.org
After reviewing all the information on the COVID-19 SMC Eviction Regulations page and on the FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) page, if you still have questions related to COVID-19 and Housing, you can send us an e-mail at 能上facebook的加速器 or you can call us at (650) 363-7873
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